What is it like getting high for the first time and how should I approach it?

Cannabis is a truly amazing plant that has helped many people battle externalities from cancer, everyday pain, and of course provide an evening of relaxation and fun for those interested in a recreational approach!

But for many people that first puff can be a little daunting, especially if you’ve been told for most of your life that cannabis is not something you should partake in.

But here we are, it’s 2020 and we’ve never seen such unprecedented support for the legalization of cannabis. In fact, it’s been gaining traction for legalization at the federal level and could very well be legal throughout the entire United States by the end of 2021.

One way or another, it’s legal here in Michigan and the Bay Mills Community has taken great strides to not only be the first to provide recreational cannabis on tribal lands in Michigan, but to be a purveyor of incredibly high quality craft cannabis that can be utilized by customers for their ailments and relaxing evenings alike.

With this recreational legality, we believe the trend for a more relaxed opinion on the matter will continue to rise and that people will become incredibly curious about how this little flower can benefit them. With that though, comes the inevitable and seemingly daunting task of trying it for the first time.

Although it may seem scary, we’ve broken it down into bite size pieces that will allow you to approach cannabis healthily and happily.

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First off, what’s your approach? Do you want to try to smoke, vape, or eat an edible for your first time?

Most people who tried cannabis in the 50’s through the early 2000’s likely consumed the flower by smoking and of course during a time when the THC levels of cannabis were around 7% (today’s numbers average 15%). Pretty big jump, huh? That’s why we recommend making your first time indulging in cannabis to be one which is simple, easy, and which you can control easily. The last thing you want is to end up getting a little too high and sitting on your couch for 3 hours, so trying and edible with a lot of THC may not be your best bet. START LITE & BREEZY. A couple hits every 5-10 minutes from a joint or a pipe should be a great starting point!

Remember, getting high for the first time is not a competition, it is not a race, and everyone is going to react a little differently, so it is important to take things slowly to see how you respond.

When I first smoked weed I was lucky enough to have a friend that made sure we were in a nice, semi-scenic area that we knew and enjoyed for hiking. The way you feel and the headspace you currently have is going to play a big role in your experience. Try to enjoy cannabis when you’re happy and not when you’re stressed out and have a dozen things to finish by the end of the day.


Make sure the technicals are ready to go. No matter your approach, you may not want to take care of the details so if you have a friend that is experienced, it's best to bring them along and ask for advice/assistance. They will be able to help you learn how to use a bong, pipe, or joint properly. Yeah, the process is pretty straightforward, but sometimes a little guidance can make a big difference in your overall experience.

Friends make for a great first experience! A lot of my good times are attributable to the place we smoked. A common hiking path that we enjoyed was the perfect setting to try cannabis for the first time, feel safe, and then get to go on a small adventure immediately after we smoked.

When you get high for the first time, it’s not that you’re a totally different person, or that the world completely alters, but there is no doubt that your frame of mind is different and a lot of the worries you once held, tend to melt away. You become focused on simple things like the smell of the fresh air, your connectedness to the earth, how funny certain words are, and is kind of a reminder of what it’s like to be a kid exploring the world.

Maybe that’s not your style though? If you prefer to be entertained, the next best thing you can do is watch a movie or just enjoy your friend/family’s company. You’ll notice that sounds are more crisp, movies are more enthralling, and conversations are just a little more goofy, so enjoy it :)

Sometimes you can accidentally get a little too high…  Don’t worry! It’s a lot like eating too much dessert! You will really enjoy it while you’re eating (or in this case smoking) buuut then you’ll get to a point where you’re just a little uncomfortable for a few minutes. Just know that although you may feel like you enjoyed a little too much, you can simply relax, take some deep breaths, meditate, and know that it will soon pass.

Once you’re coming down, you may get the munchies (if you haven’t already) but the after effects are nothing like a hangover from beer. If too much alcohol picks you up and slams you down, cannabis is more like a gentle giant putting you into bed and tucking you in (a.k.a. you may feel a little groggy/tired like you just woke up from a nap). 


That’s all for now! If you have any questions you can direct message us on our website or through social media! Don’t be shy, we’re here to help guide and create the best experience possible for you!

Creators Collective